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ai automation

Can HR Prepare Manufacturers for AI and Automation?

Artificial intelligence (AI), automation and robotics are all making inroads into manufacturing. On the one hand, this sector faces a...

Digitalising Manufacturing

Digitalising Manufacturing 2019 Drives Digital Reality

The fifth annual digital manufacturing conference at the Manufacturing Technology Centre will bring together some of Europe’s leading...


Finch Electronics Reveals the Need for Robotics in Manufacturing

Britain needs robots. Robotics will need to play and increasingly prominent role in the country’s manufacturing sector if the country is...

industry 4

How Could Optimisation Provide Answers to Industry 4.0?

The Made Smarter review, which the UK Government commissioned, has suggested that the UK’s manufacturing sector could generate £455bn...

The MTA industry

The MTA Questions Government’s Strategic Goals

The UK Government’s Industrial Strategy White Paper is meant to be a road map towards transforming the country’s economy. However, it...

Tom Lane Manufacturing Technologies Association

Are Perceptions Right About Manufacturing? An Interview with Tom Lane

Dull, dirty, dangerous and in decline. This is how some people still see manufacturing in the UK. However, as Tom Lane of the Manufacturing...

artificial intelligence

Should Manufacturers be Scared of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence, AI, is set to have a huge, lasting impact on manufacturing. With the internet of things meaning that connectivity...
